Land Use Bylaw

The City of Spruce Grove’s Land Use Bylaw regulates the use and development of land and buildings in Spruce Grove.

The bylaw affects all property owners in all land use districts. The City’s Land Use Bylaw came into effect on Jan. 1, 2013. 

Any buildings constructed after Jan. 1, 2013, need to meet the regulations in the Land Use Bylaw. This includes everything from professional offices, houses, decks and sheds, to large retail shopping developments and signs on store fronts.

As well, any new development or redevelopment of an existing site will need to meet the bylaw's requirements.

The Land Use Bylaw C-824-12 offers all land use and zoning information within the City of Spruce Grove. Official updates are made to the bylaw when approved by Council.

*The bylaw is subject to amendments. The most current amended version of the Land Use Bylaw is provided below for information purposes only. 

Printable, Full Land Use Bylaw

Table of Contents and Part 1 - Enactment and Administration
Section 1 - Title
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Application
Section 4 - Other Legislative Requirements
Section 5 - Transition

Part 2 - Interpretation and Definitions
Section 6 - Interpretation
Section 7 - Definitions

Part 3 - Establishment of Development Control
Section 8 - Development Authority
Section 9 - Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Part 4 - Administrative Clauses
Section 10 - Control of Development
Section 11 - Where a development permit is not required
Section 12 - Application for a Development Permit
Section 13 - Decisions on Development Permits
Section 14 - Variances
Section 15 - Conditions of Development Permit
Section 16 - Notice of Development Permit Decision
Section 17 - Refused Permits
Section 18 - Validity of Development Permits
Section 19 - Development Appeals
Section 20 - Amendments of Bylaw
Section 21 - Amendment Applications 

Part 5 - Enforcement
Section 22 - Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings
Section 23 - General Provisions & Right of Entry
Section 24 - Contravention
Section 25 - Deleted
Section 26 - Violations Tickets

Part 6 - General Regulations
Section 27 - Address Number
Section 28 - Building Height
Section 29 - Corner Sites
Section 30 - Design and Appearance of Buildings
Section 31 - Development On or Near Slopes
Section 32 - Dwelling Units Per Site
Section 33 - Easements and Rights of Way
Section 34 - Fences and Screening
Section 35 - Fire Hydrants
Section 36 - Garbage and Containment Areas
Section 37 - Lighting
Section 38 - Municipal Land
Section 39 - Municipal Servicing
Section 40 - Outdoor Storage and Display
Section 41 - Projections
Section 42 - Projections into Front Yards (Principal Buildings)
Section 43 - Projections into Rear Yards (Principal Buildings)
Section 44 - Projections into Side Yards (Principal Buildings)
Section 45 - Public Utility Buildings
Section 46 - Relocation of Buildings
Section 47 - Restricted Objects in Yards
Section 48 - Site Consolidation
Section 49 - Stripping and Grading
Section 50 - Traffic Sight Lines at Intersections
Section 51 - Underground Tanks
Section 52 - Zero Side Yard Developments
Section 52A - Control of Nuisances

Part 7 - Special Regulations
Section 53 - Accessory Buildings
Section 54 - Accessory Uses
Section 55 - Adult Entertainment
Section 56 - Alcohol and Cannabis Sales
Section 57 - Animal Service Facilities, Minor and Major
Section 58 - Bed and Breakfast
Section 59 - Boarding and Lodging House
Section 60 - Campgrounds
Section 61 - Car Washes
Section 62 - Child Care Facilities
Section 63 - Communication Towers
Section 64 - Density Bonusing
Section 65 - Drive Through Businesses
Section 65A - Food Trucks
Section 66 - Family Day Homes
Section 67 - Garage and Garden Suites
Section 68 - Gas Bars and Service Stations
Section 69 - Group Care Facilities and Limited Group Homes
Section 70 - Home Occupations
Section 71 - Private Outdoor Swimming Pools
Section 72 - Recycling Transfer Depot
Section 73 - Religious Assembly
Section 74 - Sales Centres
Section 75 - Secondary Suites
Section 76 - Show Homes
Section 77 - Solar Collectors
Section 78 - Surveillance Suites
Section 79 - Transit Centres
Section 80 - Wind Energy Systems (Small) (SWES)
Section 80A - Post Secondary Institution
Section 80B - Religious Assembly Incubation
Section 80C - Cannabis Production Facility
Section 80D - Cannabis Sales
Section 80E - Cottage Industry

Part 8 - Parking Regulations
Section 81 - Limited Access to Major Streets
Section 82 - Access from Streets and Alleys
Section 83 - On Site Parking Requirements
Section 84 - Minimum Parking Stall Width and Depth
Section 85 - Number of On Site Parking Stalls Required
Section 86 - Bicycle Parking Requirements
Section 87 - Off Street Loading

Part 9 - Landscape Regulations
Section 88 - Applicability
Section 89 - General Landscaping
Section 90 - Planting Requirements
Section 91 - Landscaping Islands for Parking Area
Section 92 - Security

Part 10 - Sign Regulations
Section 93 - Purpose
Section 94 - Sign Permitting
Section 95 - Sign Definitions
Section 96 - Signs Not Requiring a Development Permit
Section 97 - Development Permit Requirements
Section 98 - General Regulations for Signs
Section 99 - A-Board Signs (Excluding Real Estate Signs)
Section 100 - Balloon Signs
Section 101 - Banners and Non-Government-Issued Flags
Section 102 - Billboard Signs
Section 103 - Changeable Message Signs
Section 104 - Development Marketing Signs
Section 105 - Digital Copy
Section 106 - Fascia Signs
Section 107 - Fence Signs
Section 108 - Freestanding Signs
Section 109 - Hanging Signs
Section 110 - Neighbourhood Identification Signs
Section 111 - Portable Signs
Section 112 - Projecting Signs
Section 113 - Prohibited Signs
Section 113A - Roof Signs

Part 11 - Land Use District Regulations
Section 114 - Land Use District Map (Schedule A: Land Use District Map)
Section 115 - R1 - Mixed Low to Medium Density Residential District

Section 116 - R2 - Mixed Medium to High Density Residential District
Section 116A - R2CC - City Centre High Density Residential District
Section 117 - GPL - Greenbury Planned Lot District
Section 117A - EPL - Easton Planned Lot District

Section 117B - CPL - Copperhaven Planned Lot District
​Section 118 - RE1 - Established Neighbourhood Residential District 1
Section 119 - RE2 - Established Neighbourhood Residential District 2

Section 120 - RMHC - Manufactured Home Court District

Section 121 - RMHS - Manufactured Home Subdivision Residential District

Section 122 - HLC - Hawthorne Lifestyle Community District
Section 123 - C1 - City Centre Commercial District

Section 124 - C2 - Vehicle Oriented Commercial District

Section 125 - C3 - Neighborhood Retail and Service District

Section 126 - C4 - Integrated Mixed Use
Section 126A - SE - Sports and Entertainment District
Section 127 - M1 - General Industrial District
Section 128 - PS - Public Service Institutional District

Section 129 - P1 - Parks and Recreation District

Section 130 - P2 - Natural Areas District

Section 131 - UR - Urban Reserve District

Section 132 - DC - Direct Control
Section 133 - UAT - Urban Agricultural Transition District
Section 150 - DC.10 - Prescott Direct Control District
Section 151 - DC.11 - Lakewood Direct Control District
Section 152 - DC.12 - Fenwyck Semi-detached Direct Control District
Section 153 - DC.13 - Fenwyck Row Housing Direct Control
Section 154 - DC.14 - Westwind Direct Control District
Section 155 - DC.15 - Tonewood Row Housing Direct Control District
Section 156 - DC.16 - Westwind Direct Control District
Section 157 - DC.17 - Westwind Multi-Unit Residential Direct Control District
Section 158 - DC.18 - Commercial Indoor Self Storage Direct Control District
Section 160 - DC.20 - Copperhaven Semi-detached Direct Control District

Land use district map

The land use district map indicates reference to zoning in all areas of the City.  The numbers used on this map correspond with the following maps which will provide a close up look at zoning in a specific area.

Land Use Bylaw FAQs

Amending the Land Use Bylaw allows the City of Spruce Grove to adapt to the community's changing contexts, and update legislation and regulations that no longer align with the city's current vision.

The rules of Spruce Grove's Land Use Bylaw impacts every home and business in the city, regulating factors such as building height, setbacks, property size and zoning.

When amendments to the Land Use Bylaw are approved by council, all future developments must follow the amended regulations. Existing properties will not be impacted by amendments as long as the property remains unchanged and is being used legally.

Public engagement is a significant part of Land Use Bylaw amendments and residents are encouraged to participate in the process.


If you have any questions about the land use bylaw, please contact Planning and Development.