Lot Grading
Lot grading is necessary to help prevent basement flooding and take care of the City’s storm and sanitary sewer systems. Lot grading guidelines and standards exist to mitigate risk of flooding in residential and commercial developments.
The Specifics of Lot Grading
Lot grading is sloping the land on a lot to direct the flow of water away from a buildings’ foundation. The sloping helps direct the water according to an approved lot grading plan without negatively affecting neighbouring properties.
In the City of Spruce Grove, lot grading is completed in two steps:
- Rough Grade
- Final Grade
Both steps require the City to inspect the grade once complete. The lot grading inspection season usually begins mid-April and ends November 1, weather dependent.
The City has developed guidelines and processes to assist builders and homeowners in lot grading.
Rough Grading Process
The City of Spruce Grove requires homeowners to have an approved rough grade inspection before proceeding with topsoil. Rough grade is completed by the home builder within eighteen (18) months of the issuance of a Lot Grading permit; a six (6) month extension can be granted only with written approval from the City.
Refer to Lot Grading Guidelines and Lot Grading FAQs for details.
Final Grading Process
After rough grade has been approved, your topsoil can be applied. A final grade inspection is required and must be completed within twelve (12) months of rough grade approval to avoid penalties.
Refer to Lot Grading Guidelines and Lot Grading FAQs for details.
Phone: 780-962-7582
Email: lot.grading@sprucegrove.org