Corporate Plan
Approved 2024-2026 Corporate Plan and 2024 Budget Highlights now available
The 2024-2026 Corporate Plan and 2024 Budget Highlights are now available to view. This approved plan outlines the fiscal strategies being used to meet the needs of the community today while planning for the needs of tomorrow, and the investment in the municipality required to create a strong foundation of long-term sustainability.
Note that since the 2024-2026 Corporate Plan was approved, the sanitary sewer services fee has since increased by an additional $0.12 per cubic meter in response to a rate hike being imposed by the City’s wastewater treatment provider, ARROW Utilities.
What is a corporate plan?
As a municipal government, the City of Spruce Grove is responsible for infrastructure, programs and services that directly impact the day-to-day lives of City residents. This includes transportation networks (roads and trails) utility services and structures (water, sanitary sewer, stormwater and solid waste), parks and open spaces, as well as funding community facilities such as the TransAlta Tri-Leisure Centre and the Spruce Grove Public Library. The Corporate Plan outlines the resources required to deliver these programs and services, provide funding to the community, as well as implementing Council’s vision for the City of Spruce Grove, as described in the 2022-2025 City of Spruce Grove Strategic Plan.