Bulk Water Sales

The City of Spruce Grove offers potable water for purchase at its truck-fill station, located at 136 South Ave.

Please note: All bulk water sales must be prepaid through an account with the City.

Accessing water at the station

Use the PIN associated with your account, and the access code provided by the City. Call 780-962-7597 if you are unsure of either code, or to inquire about the balance of your account.

The connection provided accommodates both 2" and 4" hoses.

Sign up for an account

  1. Download and fill out the Application for Bulk Water Account form
  2. Submit the completed form by email or in person at City Hall using the secure drop box by the front doors of City Hall.
  3. Once your account has been created, the City will provide you with an access code. You will also need to select a PIN of your choosing. Both codes are needed to acquire water at the station.

Add funds to your account

Call 780-962-7597 and provide your credit card number, type (MasterCard or VISA) and expiration date. Please note that credit card information will not be kept on file.


Effective January 1, 2025, water is sold at the rate of $5.13 m3 (approx. 220 gallons).