Water Restrictions

Have you ever stopped to think about where your water comes from and how plentiful it is?

It’s easy to be complacent about water usage when it seems to be so readily available, and for most of the year, water systems in the capital region have no trouble supplying water to meet normal needs.

However, there are situations when water supplies can be affected and residents may be asked to take special precautions to prevent a critical shortage. Check the City’s website regularly to find out if you are affected, and how you can help conserve water during a restriction or ban.

Water usage typically rises in the summer months, mostly because of lawn and garden watering. When there is hot, dry weather, or a situation that impacts the rate of potable water production, this can create more demand than supply.

Water bans give our reservoirs and water treatment plans an opportunity to recover so that there is sufficient supply to meet essential requirements like firefighting and drinking water.

The situation is reviewed on a daily basis and the ban may be relaxed or lifted when reservoir levels or potable water production is projected to remain in an acceptable range.

If a water ban is implemented, you will be asked to limit the amount of water you use for non-essential purposes, like watering your lawn or washing your car. 

Healthy, established lawns will go dormant during dry spells, and may turn brown, but will regenerate once the dry spell is over. An excellent way to reduce water consumption is to use water from a rain barrel for your garden.

Businesses are required to limit their water usage, but those who main business is related to water (i.e. car washes) are usually exempt from a ban. To date, water bans have not negatively affected businesses in Spruce Grove.

An effective water ban is designed to prevent drinking water shortages; however, its success depends on the cooperation of water consumers. If residents comply with a water ban voluntarily to the best of their ability, drinking water supplies will not be affected.

Water bans usually target non-essential uses, but residents are always encouraged to monitor their water usage and follow good conservation practices.

Check the City’s website regularly for the latest information about water bans.

The City uses non-potable water for landscaping such as to water plants, flowers, trees, boulevards and other landscaping. Water for this purpose is obtained from an independent source, is different from the City’s water supply and is not suitable for drinking.