Business Licensing
All businesses and individuals providing goods and/or services in the City of Spruce Grove must have a current business licence. This includes contractors, sub-contractors and non-profit organizations.
A business with more than one location in Spruce Grove needs a separate licence for each business location. If you change the use of your business space or move to a new location, you will need to apply for a development permit before a business licence can be issued. We suggest you do not sign a lease or begin interior alterations until you have a valid development permit.
The City also has an Intermunicipal Business Licence Arrangement with the Town of Stony Plain. If you are a business owner in either community, you can now apply for a business licence in the other community at no charge, allowing you to operate in both municipalities without having to purchase multiple business licences.
Each year between mid-November and mid-January, business owners operating in Spruce Grove must either renew their licence or apply for a new one.
Provincial/federal permits and licences
You may also require provincial or federal permits and licences. It is your responsibility to apply for these before applying for a business licence in Spruce Grove. Use BizPal, an online resource, to identify which additional permits and licences you may need from the provincial and federal governments.
Business Licence FAQs
Yes. Every individual business that operates in Spruce Grove requires a separate business licence.
No. You must wait for your business licence to be issued. If you require any other permits, you must get them before the City can issue you a business licence.
Yes. If you conduct business within the city for a period of 72 consecutive hours or less, you must have a temporary business licence.
No. You do not need a business licence to hold a garage sale.
Apply for your business licence through CityView.
Please refer to Section 5 (page 4) of the Business Licence Bylaw for businesses that do not require business licences.
Please refer to CityView for the permits and documents required to open a small business.
Depending on the type of business licence that you have applied for will depend on when it will be issued.
Non-resident business licence: These applications are typically reviewed within 3 business days. Please note that this is dependent on number of applications received.
Resident business licence: There are several factors to determine when the licence will be issued. Eg: if you are running a home based business with clients coming to your home, or storing materials outside of your residence, or have multiple couriers to your home a home occupational development permit will be required prior to the issuance of your business licence.
Resident licence as a home office: Issuance will be within 7-10 business days.
Business licence in a commercial/industrial area: The type of business and the work required (tenant improvements) will determine if a development and/or building permit is required prior to issuance of a business licence.
Please contact Planning and Development.