Boundary Road Annexation Open House

  • Border Paving Athletic Centre, Jen Col Room (first floor)
  • 9 Tri Leisure Way
  • Spruce Grove, Alberta
    • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Residents and interested parties are invited to attend a public open house to provide feedback on the revised annexation of land from the Town of Stony Plain.

The annexed land will be used to complete the extension of Grove Drive through Boundary Road south to Highway 16A, which is an important transportation link that will provide key access to local neighbourhoods and commercial growth.

Please contact Christina Kortmeyer, Senior Long Range Planner, at 780-962-7634 ext. 278 or, if you are unable to attend the open house and would like to provide feedback.

For more details on the proposed annexation visit