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Community Recreation Non-Profit Resource Directory

Program Management

What is volunteer program management? Volunteer Canada tells us:

At its most basic level, volunteer management is the selection, supervision and engagement of volunteers. But it’s much more than that. Volunteer management opens an organization to the community and allows citizens to get involved.

Managers of volunteers ensure the well-being and happiness of an organization’s volunteers. They keep volunteer programs effective and engaging.

You will require the skills and abilities to define projects; plan the work; manage issues, risks, communication, documents, program quality and volunteers; just to name a few. This set of skills required by yourself and your team will change according to the organization’s mission and vision.

Project success can be measured by whether the objectives are met and if the people involved found it rewarding.

Many individuals serving on local Boards and Executives do not think of themselves as volunteer managers, but if you reflect on the number of volunteers required for special events such as tournaments or meets; or the number of volunteer coaches and assistants in an organization, you quickly realize that the term applies.

By incorporating basic strategies in this section, you can increase the efficiency and professionalism of your organization.

Whether you are a fully volunteer association, or have staff as part of the team, the topics covered in this section will.
