You will need a business plan for your non-profit to show to donors or foundations that may fund you, to potential board members so they know what they are getting into and the plan can serve as a compass for your organization so that you don't get off track. A business plan is a living document and can grow and change as your organization grows, becomes more sophisticated and takes on additional challenges.
A business plan for a non-profit organization might be set up like this:
Executive Summary
Include a mission statement, description of the board of directors, types and number of employees needed, location and where services will be provided, description of those services, funding sources, summary of market research you may have conducted.
Services or Products to be offered
Description of service or product, what problem do they address? What the objectives are for the services.
Results of your Needs Analysis
Explain the documented need for your service or explain a new need you will address. Who else provides this service or a similar one? Who are your clients...who will you be helping? Where are they located? How many are there?
Organization & Management
How will you organize? Create an organizational chart. Develop staff profiles for the major players such as the CEO and the program manager.
Marketing and Sales Strategies
How do you plan to communicate to your target audience? Include an advertising plan and a PR plan.
Where will you get the money for the start up? Grants, loans, fees? Prepare an annual budget showing revenue and expenses.